
Reasons to Stop Drinking Coffee NOW

I don’t think anyone would recommend that you never drink coffee again, but those of you who drink a pot a day might want to reconsider your beverage choices. Here are the top ten reasons that you should stop, or limit your consumption of coffee. Spoiler Alert! Be prepared: after reading these ten tips, you’ll never look at your coffee the same way again!

Caffeine is Damaging to Your Liver

First it is important to realize that caffeine just isn’t that easy to digest. To break down the coffee you ingest and deliver that burst of energy to your blood stream, your liver uses enzymes. If all of your enzymes are hard at work within your liver trying to break down the caffeine, they aren’t ready and active in your blood to knock out other bad chemicals it needs to get rid of. People who drink too much coffee often have difficulty getting rid of chemicals from their bodies, and their liver function is off.

Your Sex Drive Will Increase

Stop drinking coffee and you may see a huge gain in your sex drive! The adrenal glands in our bodies are the glands responsible for making hormones that make us feel sexual, like testosterone. If you have low testosterone, you will have a lower sex drive. Both woman and men have testosterone, obviously lesser amounts in women. But both sexes will see a difference in their sex drive if they drink too much coffee. If your cravings for sex have decreased and you drink a lot of coffee, weaning yourself off may be the first step to getting your sex drive back to normal.

Fertility Issues

Along those same lines, people can have trouble getting pregnant or impregnating their spouse if they consume too much caffeine. To carry a baby, a woman has to have a certain amount of a hormone called progesterone. This hormone also helps women to become pregnant. Our adrenal glands make another hormone called cortisol, which is used up by our bodies during times of stress. If our adrenal glands are suffering, they can’t make cortisol, and your body may take progesterone so it can make more cortisol. And without the progesterone, you can’t get pregnant or carry a baby through a full term. If you are attempting to get pregnant, cutting the caffeine from your diet is step one.

Neurotransmitter Problems

Caffeine is also blamed for eliminating your feelings of being happy, as it kills the neurotransmitters in your body. Your brain won’t be able to produce enough of these happy chemicals with lower neurotransmitters. People who are depressed are often lacking in a hormone called serotonin, which keeps you feeling good and satisfied. Caffeine is actually one of the main suppressants of serotonin, so steer clear of coffee if you suffer from depression or are feeling a little down in the dumps. While most people believe that coffee will lift them up, in the long run, it pulls them down.

Caffeine Can Kill Your Energy Level!

We previously mentioned your adrenal glands. Well your adrenal glands actually store energy on your behalf, and they make chemicals that help your brain to feel happy, strong and motivated. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it causes your nervous system to run on high, making adrenaline, which we know we need in situations requiring action, or stress. If you can tolerate high levels of caffeine without a response, this is a bad thing- it means that your glands have actually stopped responding to you, like the boy who cried wolf! This can leave you susceptible to accidents, sleepiness, and health problems.


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