
Best Ways of Using Essential Oils for Health and Healing

This article is a comprehensive overview of how to use essential oils effectively.Room Fragrance
1) Massage
Add three or four drops of an essential oil such as sandalwood, chamomile, lavender, ylang ylang or bergamot to three tablespoons of vegetable-based oil for a soothing and relaxing massage. Coconut oil or jojoba oil make wonderful carrier oils and are packed with fatty acids and health-boosting nutrients.
2) Room Fragrance

Essential oils such as jasmine, neroli, clary sage or lemongrass promote peace and tranquility within the home. If you have an oil burner, place a few drops of essential oil in the dish along with a spoonful of vegetable oil. Place a lighted tea light candle underneath to slowly warm the oil. You can also place a few drops of oil into a spray bottle filled with water, and spray the mixture onto furniture, rugs and carpets.

3) Compresses

10 drops oil in 4 oz hot water, soak cloth, wrap.
Good for bruises, wounds, muscular aches and pains, dysmenorrhea, skin problems.

4) Facial steam

1 - 5 drops on hot water in a pot, cover head with a towel, steam face. Excellent for opening sinuses, headaches, skin treatment.

5) Inhalations

This is the use of essential oils on hot compress, in diffusers, or in hot water for inhalation. Standard dose is 10 drops. Best for respiratory and sinus, headaches. Caution: prolonged inhalation of concentrated essential oils can cause headaches, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and lethargy.


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