
Bronzer, yes but safe

After so much gloom, there are many who want quickly find a beautiful bronzed skin. A very legitimate desire, provided protection against the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Choose a photostable filter

For the rest, and especially for your next vacation, conventional precautionary remain:

  • Do not expose midday;
  • Wear a hat;
  • Beware of false friends (clouds, umbrella);
  • Use an effective sunscreen index sufficient against both UVA and UVB;
  • Repeat applications every two hours.

"In practice, it is necessary to choose a cream index between 25 and 40," said Jean-Romain Manciet. Exceptions (very intense exposure altitude, people at high risk skin), it is useless to use a superscript cream because they are often poorly spread on the skin. In addition, "we must know that UVA indexes have no value" because the figures provided by the manufacturers are not comparable due to lack of standard. However, be careful that the content in your sunscreen cream is very photostable, as this affects the protection. Fortunately, most of the good brands of creams available in France now meet this criterion.

Finally, essential advice, "it is not because they put a cream, which can be more exposed to the sun"; says Jean-Romain Manciet. Some U.S. studies have shown that people who use sunscreens develop more skin cancers. "This could be due to the fact that these creams included an ineffective filter," says Jean-Romain Manciet, "but was also explained by U.S. dermatologists as resulting from excessive exposure to the sun." Believing totally protected wrongly followers solar products would indeed most reluctant to submit in all circumstances to the whims of Ra. In addition, remember that some medications taken require special precautions, as they can after solar exposure promote skin reactions (allergies, sunburn.).

For children, choose a very high protection

In some countries, there are already photoprotective clothing for children. In France, with a few t-shirts, this is not yet the case. Too bad! "But, wearing large T-shirts dark or patterned printed already protects much smaller," says Jean-Romain Manciet. Also recall that infants less than one year are not entitled to the sun.

Remember that wearing eyeglasses is necessary for children to prevent harm no UV lens and do not favor the term a cataract. As for the skin, "the risk is cumulative effect begins in the early years."

Dr Corinne Tutin


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