
Perfect tan: how to have a perfect tan?

Your holidays are booked or almost, so it is high time to take care of your tan. To preserve your youthfulness, precautions and simple steps can help you. Explanations in 5 steps.

1 / was prepared
The trick: To get a perfect tan, make a solar cure capsules before going on holiday to prepare your skin with prolonged exposure. These solar nutritional supplements ensure easy tanning, more intense and durable, without sunburn. But does not provide sun protection!
Why does it work?
Most solar capsules contain carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium. Three antioxidant ingredients that fight against the proliferation of generated during sun exposure free radicals, strengthen the defenses of the skin and give it a nice golden color.
The action plan: Start your cure 15 days before exposure to the sun to prepare your skin, then is taken during exposure to protect the skin and enhance the tan and extend minimum 15 days to extend your tan. Result: a perfect tan that lasts.
2 / We facelift
The sential to see a nice tan on the beach, it's good to erase his skin before exposure.
The trick: Do you scrub to see a light skin, smooth gams and a smooth neckline for a perfect tan. The skin will be more receptive to care (self-tanning or sun protection).
The Action Plan
A scrub once or twice a week on dry skin (for strong action) or moistened (for softness). More importantly, it continues throughout the summer, even when we have started to tan!
3 / We protect
The sun can be dangerous if we do not take precautions. Between premature skin aging and skin reactions, tanning requires good protection.
The trick? Adopt the level of protection that suits you, you must consider your skin type (sensitive to dark skin) and your destination.
The Action Plan
It is necessary to brush before exposure, repeat every two hours, after swimming or when changing position. Wear a special interest in early shows because this is where the skin is more fragile.
4 / It maintains
Know first, for addicts sun, a tan acquired gradually and under good protection will last much longer than intensive sunbathing and express ...
The trick? After each exposure, it is important to treat the skin with nourishing creams and light and regular exfoliation to remove dead skin cells that accumulate.
5 / is prolonged
The trick? To extend his perfect tan, some adopt the "tanned" nutrition.
The action plan: Fill fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene: those whose color is red or orange! Melons, apricots, peaches, tomatoes, carrots ... Do not hesitate to abuse. Similarly, there are many nutritional supplements rich in active extenders tan. These solutions extend an existing tan and promote tanning to come.


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