
Home Remedies for Excessive Underarm Sweating

Home remedies may be able to help treat the condition and get underarm sweating under control.

1- Drink hot green tea. Though the last thing you want to do when you’re hot and sweating is to drink a hot cup of tea, hot tea does the opposite of ice cold water. You may feel hot when you begin to drink it but, when the heat hits your stomach, it will send a signal to your brain telling it to cool itself down. Additionally, green tea is a great way to rid the body of the toxins that cause you to sweat.

2-Eat the “right” foods – Fewer complex B vitamins in your body means it cannot allow for an efficient absorption of nutrients and proper break down of toxins and body waste. So this means a strained body which leads to more sweat. So what foods should you take?

  • a. Whole grains – great sources of B Vitamins and fiber.
  • b. Fresh Fruits – whatever your preference, they should form a crucial component in your daily regimen. Any will do from cherries, peaches, watermelons, apples, oranges, plums. The list is endless. You could try taking a fruit salad for breakfast or in between meals.
  • c. Vegetables – If you don’t have a liking for salads, veggies are excellent too as they are rich in B Vitamins.
  • d. Proteins – I’m talking Fish, eggs and moderate amounts of red meat. As for vegetarians, beans will do. If you can, avoid deep-fried foods like the plague.Cut down your caffeine intake – caffeine tends to cause anxiety which in return triggers the body to excessive sweating.

3-Acupuncture – this simple ancient technique works like gangbusters. It simply targets certain body parts to balance energy and also relax the brain by controlling the hypothalamus which goes down to reduce sweat.

4-Yoga – one of the best natural ways to control excessive sweating. This works through meditation, calming down the nerves and subsequently lessening sweat production. Since Yoga teaches proper breathing, it works well especially when one is stressed or uneasy.

Non-invasive body products have come a long way and manufacturers have utilized natural sources in the manufacturing of their products. There are made of herb extracts, natural oils and even ground stones. They may not really stop sweating but they help reduce the moisture production and stop bacteria. Sports attire makers have also incorporated special fabric in their clothing line. They are designed to keep the body cool during rigorous activity, with armholes fitted with sweat-repelling fabric.


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