
Beautiful eyes .. What are the five steps?

Eye Care does not mean put make-up morning and evening, and the use of creams and moisturizers only, because the beauty care as we always say, a set of integrated elements, there is a real beauty without a balanced diet and healthy, contain nutrients and beneficial to the health and beauty of the eyes:
1 - must be Vitamins eye, such as A, E, C always present in your daily diet: such as carrots, apples, kiwi, vitamin C, such as citrus fruits: orange, lemon and sweet berries.
 2 - to soothe the eye and reduce pressure: you eat cucumber juice and juice, pumpkin, and you can also eat a teaspoon of castor oil or snow, where they help to reduce the swelling, relieve stress and healing also of headaches and dizziness caused due to eye stressful.
3 - eat almonds, soybeans and green peas: which are rich sources of vitamin A, they are beneficial to the health of the eyes.
4 - eating green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, lettuce, turnips, which lead to increase red blood cells and improve vision.
5 - eating dairy products such as milk, cream, butter, cheese, is also an important component of the diet of the eyes, which helps to relax the eyes as well as the provision of vitamins. Whenever your eyes healthier and more beautiful, the more Atalaltk more youthful and energetic, which is what your dream for sure!


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